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Christian band


The registration deadline  is set for October 4th. ( Now extended to Nov. 1)  Fill out the Registration form by first entering your contact information. Next proceed to fill out  "Christian Band" choice  information . Indicate the size T shirt your Band members will get. Christian Bands are asked to provide an audio/video sample of their performances for review. Only 4 Bands will be accepted. If selected Bands will be professionally coached by Wynne Adams of Nashville. Bands will prepare two songs, receive coaching and one song will be performed at the final Concert. Bands will  also be given vendor spots at the Festival if interested.


A confirmation of your registration will be sent to your email.

You will be notified once your application has been reviewed and accepted. After you have received notification  from the Festival Director please proceed to the Payment tab and then choose the correct tile option when you are transferred to the payment site (either Musician or Band tile). The festival fee is $175 per Band. Once paid you will receive  a receipt which you will need to show when you check in at the event. 

Your payment must be received by Nov. 1 or your entry will be forfeited.