Lutherans For Life Team Ministry Spotlight

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and our congregation value life from conception until the end of this life. It is the mission of Christ Our Savior’s Lutheran for Life Team to support the organizations that champion life. Our church has long supported the ministry of the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) in Maryville and Sevierville. PRC’s mission is to “minister to the needs of those facing a difficult preg-nancy decision with life-affirming alternatives”. As a volunteer at PRC, I am continually amazed at the mighty work of our God as He uses his people to carry out this mission. In fact, His work is SO incredible, that we are compelled to shout out the wonders of Him via the Courier! So, periodically we will share with you the many ways God is at work at PRC.

Some women come to PRC determined to have an abortion. At these option visits, the nurse and a PRC advocate will present to her information about a chemical vs surgical abortion. (Since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, abortions are illegal in Tennessee. Tennessee laws also prohibit residents from mailing or receiving the abortion pill). An abortion-minded woman will also receive information regarding making an adoption plan and the resources PRC will provide should she choose life.

A PRC staff member shares this recent account of an option visit:

Sarah (not her real name) came to PRC seeking abortion information. The nurse and I provided her detailed information about surgical and chemical information. We also presented adoption information and discussed the support PRC offers should she choose to parent. At the conclusion of the visit, we prayed with Sarah and her boyfriend, James. Based on the direction of our conversation I was convinced that Sarah would choose abortion. During the next few days, my prayer for Sarah was that she would be led to return to PRC for post-abortive counseling.

But God definitely had something else in mind! Shortly after that initial visit, Sarah made an appointment for an abortion in North Carolina. At the clinic, Sarah was taken to a room while James remained in the waiting area. They texted back and forth…Sarah was so scared, no longer sure that this was the answer. Then James encouraged Sarah to leave the exam room and they quickly exited the facility. Sarah called PRC to announce the news that she and James changed their minds and will become parents to this new life!

Sarah is now part of PRC’s 6-week bible study called Embrace Grace and has come to know Jesus as her Savior, James is determined to become an honorable father and give up alcohol. While he has not yet a Christian, he is definitely seeking. They plan to marry and become the family that God desires. PRC will continue to walk along side them in their journey to parenthood.

What a God we serve! He is not to be underestimated, able to do immeasurably more that we even think possible!

Planned Parenthood Plans Return to Knoxville

On June 23, 2024 a prayer service was held at the construction site of the Knoxville Planned Parenthood. One hundred of God’s people gathered to pray for lives affected by abortion. The facility was slated to be opened in August, but as of this writing, no opening date has been published.

Since August 25, 2022, abortions are illegal in Tennessee, yet Planned Parenthood prepares for a presence in East Tennessee. Why would this be? Perhaps it is to refer abortion-minded women to Asheville, North Carolina or Bristol, Virginia. Or to promote gender affirming care. Or perhaps it is to promote a political agenda. Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood, the electioneering arm of Planned Parenthood, held a news conference in August at the State Capitol in Nashville announcing their intent to flip state house and senate seats to officials who will vote in favor of pro-abortion legislation. CEO Ashleyn Cofield stated, ‘stopping the supermajority in Tennessee is not going to be easy, we have a plan this year to flip four seats and three after that so we break the supermajority before redistricting in 2030.”

Your vote this November is vital to protect the hard fought victories of Tennessee. Our Lutherans For Life team will help you to become an informed voter by offering non-partisan voter guides with candidates’ positions on life issues. Guides will be available on the Lutherans For Life bulletin board in the Christian Ministry Center by October 1, 2024.

The Planned Parenthood facility in Knoxville currently under reconstruction after a fire in 2021.

Pregnancy Resource Center Annual Fundraising Banquet Exceeds Goal!

Over 600 Pregnancy Resource Center’s supporters walked through God’s open door, standing together to give of our earthly resources to continue the life-affirming work in East Tennessee. The 2024 goal was $200,000 and over $270,000 was given and pledged to pay it forward for the hundreds of brave families who come to PRC to seek options for an unplanned pregnancy. Banquet guests heard the testimony of a former client who summed up the mission well. “PRC opened their door to me, supported me during my pregnancy and then I opened my heart to Christ.”

When women, as well as fathers of the baby and family members, enter the open door of PRC, God uses the gifts of each staff member to present the options, resources and support available. As she witnesses the miracle of the ultrasound, a precious life is revealed to her. Last year, 2287 families were seen at PRC and 93% chose life!

Our Lutherans For Life Team says “Thank You!” to the 15 members of our congregation who attended the banquet and for the annual financial support provided by our congregation to affirm life.

I know your works. “Behold, I have set before you an OPEN DOOR, which no one is able to shut.” Revelation 3:8