Wasmund ministry

Matt and Dee Dee Wasmund, along with their daughters, Lily and Olivia, live in Seoul, South Korea where Matt serves as strategic volunteer coordinator – East Asia for the LCMS. Their work involves overseeing support and programmatic needs for the GEO (Globally Engaged in Outreach) missionaries at the Concordia School System – Taiwan and for the new GEO missionary program beginning in South Korea. They facilitate short-term mission opportunities with the goal of enhancing existing ministries in other Asian countries, look for ways to involve US churches in overseas ministry, and strive to create and maintain effective strategies for sharing the Gospel with those in their community and beyond. 

Learn more about the Wasmund's Ministry at www.lcms.org/wasmund

September 2023


April 2024

June 2024

Here is a Video Update on the Wasmund's Mission for you to enjoy!


The Wasmund's letter to the Congregation with a summary of their 2020 mission.

Here is a Letterman from the Wasmunds Thanking Our Congregation written in Sept. 2023.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ at COS:
Easter season greetings to you (He is still risen!) in the name of this same Lord, Jesus. We hope this note finds the special COS community well.
Every month we are reminded of the faithful generosity of you as individuals and as a community. We are so grateful that you support us, encourage us, and partner in this overseas ministry. We truly and sincerely wish to thank you for remembering us in so many ways (including the lovely cards we regularly receive!). Our only regret is that, since we were just in the U.S. last summer, we are not scheduled to be stateside in 2019, where we could thank you personally.
May is one of the finest months in Korea, weather-wise. The blooms have faded but we are enjoying mild weather and clear skies. Lily, who started a new school in the fall of 2018, is about to finish this first year and is looking forward to her confirmation in early June. It has been a pleasure to teach her this year and the whole family has encouraged her as she prepares. Olivia misses her big sister at the elementary school and still must wait one more year to join her. Even so, she enjoys the challenges of school and has been asked by the teacher to fill a leadership role. Most of the girls’ classmates are non-believers so we strive for ways to be witnesses to them.
Dee Dee has been increasing her involvement in a program that provides educational opportunities for Korean orphans, a much neglected area in this society. As a family we also have plenty of opportuni-ties for service at our local congregation.
This last year has given me new challenges and joys in the work of supporting our mission teams at English centers and local schools. God is faithful and we trust He will use us all—whether serving here or East Tennessee—for His kingdom work.
Again, we wish to thank you for your recent gifts of support and encouragement. We are so grateful for our special relationship with you and always look forward to being with you when in America.

Matt, for the family