Pastor Truog graduated
from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis in 1983 with a Master’s of Divinity
and a Sacred Theology Masters. He served at Hope Lutheran in Aurora,
Illinois from 1983-1987. His next church was Cross Lutheran in
Yorkville, Illinois where he served from 1987-2011. In 2011 he accepted
the Call to Christ Our Savior Lutheran in Loudon, Tennessee.
“My greatest joy in ministry is seeing the “light bulb” go on for
someone when the Holy Spirit enables them to grasp the free gift of
God’s grace for salvation. At Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church we have
an opportunity to nurture and share this gift of God with people from
all over the country who have chosen to retire in East Tennessee as well
as with those who have had the privilege of living here all their
lives. We are a congregation that stands squarely on the Bible as the
very Word of God. We are known for our friendliness and our desire to
serve our community. We welcome you to get to know us and to discover a place to worship, a place to learn, and a place to serve with your Christian brothers and sisters at Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church.”
Pastor's Message
It’s a Scam!
We were repeating that over and over again at the church office last month as people called in wondering if Pastor really did need some gift cards. These scammers quickly went through our entire church directory, and it has been happening in many other churches in the Knoxville area. The scammers have a lot of different tricks to try to make things look legitimate and, if you are not paying attention, it is easy to fall for those tricks.
The Gospel reading for the first Sunday in Lent is about Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness being tempted by Satan. Satan is called “the father of lies” in the Bible. He was the first scammer, too. He has a lot of tricks to make his temptations look legitimate. He even uses the Bible (twisted and taken out of context for his purpose) to tempt Jesus. But Jesus knew His scripture (because He is the author!) and He saw right through the Devil’s scams. He used the power of God’s Word to turn Satan away.
When we get a scam text or email that seems like it might be a scam, one of the first things we need to do is check where it came from. Is it a legitimate phone number or email address, or something different? Is it the type of message we would expect from this person, or is it a little bit strange or different? We need to do the same when Satan’s temptations enter our mind. Ask, where is this really coming from. Is this expressing God’s will for my life, or is it trying to lead me away from God? What does the Bible actually say about
this? Is this really something good or just something cleverly made up to look good?
During Lent we focus on how and why Jesus took on our nature and carried our sins so that He could redeem us by paying the price we owe because of our constant failures to follow God’s will for our lives. He takes our sin and failure onto Himself so that we can have His righteousness and perfection placed over us. He died on the cross as the sacrifice that would pay for the sins of the world, and He rose again victorious over sin, and death, and the devil. He shares that victory with us through the gift of faith. In our Baptism, His death
becomes our death, and His resurrection becomes our resurrection.
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent on March 5th this year. Starting March 5th, we will have a music recital at 4:00 followed by worship at 4:30. We encourage you to use both Wednesday and Sunday worship opportunities during this season of Lent to see how Jesus raises us up out of the ashes of our sin and shame and gives us new life. Don’t let Satan scam you into thinking there is a better way to celebrate your resurrection life.
Pastor Brian