Upcoming Events

  • Friday Focus Bible Study

    Open to all Bible Study, every Friday at 10:30am in room 103. This is a verse by verse study of one of the Bible's Books. Currently this is Deuteronomy.

  • bible study           Tuesdays at 10:30am

    Every Tuesday  at 10:30am Bible study is held in room 103. The study is based on the readings and sermon of the upcoming Sunday.  Put this on your calendar!

  • LWML Bible Study - Tuesdays @ 1:30pm

    Lutheran Womens Ministry League Bible studies are held every Tuesday at 1:30pm in room 107.

  • New Lutheran Bible Study App!

    Your favorite study Bible now fits in your pocket. It offers distinctively Lutheran notes on the full ESV text, complemented by excellent features to foster a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Check it out at your App Store for more information.

  • New Women's Bible study starting Monday, Jan. 6 at 1:30pm

    Aging with Grace Flourishing in an anti-aging culture. Nine-week study starting on Monday, January 6th @ 1:30 pm in room 103. Sign-up is in the CMC Lobby. Questions? See Judith Schmid-Bielenberg.