Upcoming Events

  • Friday Focus Bible Study

    Open to all Bible Study, every Friday at 10:30am in room 103. This is a verse by verse study of one of the Bible's Books. Currently this is Deuteronomy.

  • bible study           Tuesdays at 10:30am

    Every Tuesday  at 10:30am Bible study is held in room 103. The study is based on the readings and sermon of the upcoming Sunday.  Put this on your calendar!

  • LWML Bible Study - Tuesdays @ 1:30pm

    Lutheran Womens Ministry League Bible studies are held every Tuesday at 1:30pm in room 107.

  • New Lutheran Bible Study App!

    Your favorite study Bible now fits in your pocket. It offers distinctively Lutheran notes on the full ESV text, complemented by excellent features to foster a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Check it out at your App Store for more information.

  • New Women's Bible study starting Monday, Jan. 6 at 1:30pm

    Aging with Grace Flourishing in an anti-aging culture. Nine-week study starting on Monday, January 6th @ 1:30 pm in room 103. Sign-up is in the CMC Lobby. Questions? See Judith Schmid-Bielenberg.

  • Fisherman's Flea Market Feb. 22, 2025  9am - 1pm

    On Saturday, February 22, 2025 Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church will host our eighth annual Fisherman’s Flea Market to provide an opportunity for local fishermen to buy, sell, or trade used fishing tackle.
    This event provides a forum for local fishermen and youngsters with limited means and older retirees with fishing tackle they are no longer using to get together. We typically have 15-20 “vendors” and 150-250 visitors at the event.
    We put out a collection basket with the snacks & drinks and all donations will go to a local high school fishing team.

    Mark this on your calendar and plan to attend!