Lutheran Women's Ministry League

Attention Ladies!

An exciting new Bible study is available online at (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League). Once at the website, scroll down to YOUR STRONG SUIT on the right hand side. Click on the “learn more” link to access the video portion of this 8-week study. While there, check out all the other wonderful resources available. If you have any questions, contact Jeanette Hanson.

A Great Way to Start the Day! Is to read the daily Mustard Seed Devotion from LWML: food for the soul. The devotions are short, to the point, and apply to you. Sign up for the Mustard Seed devotionals at


Your Mission Mites at Work ~ At the National LWML Convention, the 2023-2025 Mission Grants were voted on that your Mites provide for. In the weeks ahead, we will list them in order of most votes to least as voted by delegates to the convention. The number one grant voted on was: Orphan Grain Train - $100,000 – supports humanitarian service for those experiencing poverty in the U.S. and internationally. The number two grant voted on was: Healing Space for At-Risk Children – Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch - $100,000 – creates an eternal, life-giving impact in lives of children age 10 to 18 who have faced unimaginable trauma of violence, abuse, neglect. What an honor it is for us to pray and give our mites to the furthering of God's kingdom and His glory!

LWML CONVENTION REPORT ~ Over 3,550 women and men gathered in Milwaukee for the 2023 LWML Convention! About 4,000 people attended the opening service—the highlight of the convention for me. Theme of the convention was “Celebrate the Lord of the Nations”, based on Psalm 33:12-13. Each day began with singing, prayer and Bible study. The new Mite Box goal, set at $2,440,000, will fund 31 mission projects in the US and throughout the world this biennium. Eden Keefe was elected President. Servant event participants made 162 fleece blankets for Phil's Friends and A Place of Refuge; 50,000 meals and
566 backpack school kits for Orphan Grain Train; 4,7851 witness bracelets for MOST Ministries; 79 units of blood were donated, as well as other ministries that benefited. Tee Up 4 Mites gifts totaled $35,000, and $100,000 was given for the Mission Walk. Over $107,000 in gifts were given to several charities in four offerings. Attendees heard from a number of mission mite grantees. You can watch the convention activities at our website,