Our Library

  • THE CHURCH LIBRARY NEEDS YOU ~ We are looking for some members that would enjoy working on the COS Library Committee. We meet eight times during the year on the first Monday of the month. There is always much to do in the ordering of new books, processing new books and the general running of a library. Each of us takes a turn being “librarian” on Sundays to help our readers with any questions they may have. Don’t say no until you check us out. We have fun as well and would love to have you join us. Stop into the library on any Sunday morning and talk with our librarian on duty to see what you are missing by not being a “librarian” for COS. You might even find a book to sign out for your own pleasure.

The Library Committee invites you to peruse room 104 in the CMC for 

1. Nonfiction books such as

  • books about Christ’s life
  • books by favorite Christian authors such as Lucado and Yancy
  • Bible commentaries
  • books about various religions in addition to Christianity
  • books to supplement the Sunday morning Lutheranism 102 class
  • other topics

2. Reference books

3. Study materials (SM);

  • creationism compared to the theory of evolution
  • the Holy Spirit
  • Bible study

4. Fiction

  • Amish, Amana Colonies, Mennonite, and Quaker fiction books.

All may be taken to the main library room to be checked out.

A note from the library committee about "Patron Recommended Reading"

Would you like to recommend to others a book or other item from the library that you have enjoyed? Help others know by filling out a "Patron Recommended Reading" form that can be found on the library desk. Just fill out one of the forms, place it in the book return box on the library table, and the library committee will let others know. Thank you.  

New from the Library!

The library has backpacks of seasonal appropriate Christian activities for four different child age levels ready for check out. A very good source of entertainment for your visiting grand-children!

Hello from your COS Library Team!

Three-in-ten Americans now read e e-books! According to the Pew Research Center Americans are spreading their book consumption across several formats. However, the share of adults who have read print books in the last 12 months still outpaces the share using other forms. Although these Pew statistics are from a few years ago, they may or may not have changed significantly. E-books are a great addition to our digital world but for those of us who read print books, there is nothing like a good old old-fashioned physical book in your hand and on your bookshelf. You can highlight, underline, even revisit it like an old friend!

How many books do you read each year? The same Pew Report stated that Americans read an average of roughly 14 books in the previous 12 months. How many do you read? What do you like to read?

For those of you who read print books, we are here to serve you in our church library. We carry fiction (various genres), non-fiction, reference, Bible Commentaries, and kids backpacks for your grands when they visit or you travel to them. We operate as a normal public library does except on a much smaller scale. How do we select our books? We research books from various publishers like Concordia Publishing Company and others for our fiction selections, using Goodreads, which is an excellent source for rating and reviews of books. The books we
purchase are then catalogued into our database called Resource Mate, labeled, covered, and shelved for your perusal.

There are five of us who are your church librarians. We are very interested in knowing what you like to read so come in on Sunday, chat with us and tell us what you like to read or recommend. How can we help you? We love suggestions and feedback after you have read one of our selections.

We are no longer carrying periodicals because we simply do not have the room in our small library. The materials we loan must be/have a religious or faith component. We receive lots of donations, however they will be reviewed to make sure message and doctrine is appropriate. We have a sufficient yearly budget to purchase new books each year. We also have lots of laughter, fun and interesting conversations at our team meetings. Please join us if you are interested.

So that is how we rock n roll in the library. Oh,wait! We are NOT rolling out new books at this time because we are stuck “ with our software printing capability and could use some assistance with this function. It s not a software problem but an operator(s) issue. If you can help, let us know because we have a lot of new books ready to get on the shelves for our library patrons.