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  • Our Sunday service titled "The Fruit of Joy" can be viewed below.
  • View our Advent Services below
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About Our Services

Traditional Service, Sundays at 8:30 am

Our early morning service follows a format that uses the Liturgy of the Lutheran Missouri Synod that typically includes the Invocation, Confession and Absolution, Hymns of Praise, The Word of God readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, Readings from The Gospel, The Sermon, The Creed, The Offertory, Prayers, Distribution of the Elements (Communion occurs at this service the first two Sundays of the month) and the Benediction. Sermon Themes generally follow the Lutheran Church Calendar. Hymns generally come from the Lutheran Service Book (LSB). The Choir typically attends this service and leads the congregation in song.


Blended Service, Sundays at 11:00am

Our late morning service is like the first service but differs in the music that is played and sung. The song choices are more contemporary and are licensed for use by CCLI. Church musicians are featured often using woodwind and stringed instruments and may include percussion and digital instruments. Soloists will lead the congregation in song.

(Communion occurs at this service the third and fourth Sundays of the month)

Service Times


Traditional Service 8:30 A.M.
Blended Service 11:00 A.M.
Adult Bible Class/Sunday School 9:45 A.M.

click here for Directions

Life Quote for Sunday, December 15, 2024 - Advent III

Gospel-motivated voices For Life bring reasonableness to the cultural conversation about life issues (Philippians 4:5). It means a message of joy and hope instead of just another angry and fearful demeanor. The sanctity of life proclaims good news to neighbors made poor (Luke 7:22) by pressures toward abortion and physician-assisted suicide. God remains mighty to save (Zephaniah 3:17), even in surprise pregnancy and terminal diagnosis.